MATLAB: Plot an ellipse,whose length of major axis (a), length of minor axis (b) and center (h,k) in the domain of x->[0,1] in MATLAB

geometry ellipse graph

I want to know,if there is any direct function inorder to plot an Ellipse,which has its length of major axis as "a", length of minor axis as "b" and center (h,k) in the domain of x->[0,1].
Thanks in Advance!

Best Answer

I suggest the following script :
clearvars; clc; close all;
syms x y a b h k
% ellipse axis
a=2; b=1;
%ellipse center
h=1; k=0;
%ellipse equation
ellipse= (((x-h)^2)/(a^2))+(((y-k)^2)/(b^2))==1;
%plot the ellipse
plotZoom=(max(a,b)+max(abs(h), abs(k)))+1;
fimplicit(ellipse, [-plotZoom plotZoom]);hold on;
plot([-plotZoom plotZoom], [0 0], '-k');
plot([0 0 ], [-plotZoom plotZoom], '-k');
plot(h, k, 'b*');
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
grid on; zoom on;
In case you execute it , you will get this: