MATLAB: Plot a sinusoidal signal from a file.dat

MATLABsinusoidal signal

Hi everyone, I have stored values of a sinusoidal signal in a file.dat, i worked with a Frequency of sampling which is worth 8000hz,now i want to plot my signal from the file.dat in matlab but i don't know how, can you help me please!?

Best Answer

I would do it this way:
fidi = fopen('file.dat', 'rt'); % Open File For Reading Text
Dc = textscan(fidi, '%f', 'CollectOutput',true); % Change ‘textscan’ Arguments To Match Your File
D = cell2mat(D); % Create Numeric Array
Fs = 8E+3; % Sampling Frequency (cycles/time unit)
Ts = 1/Ts; % Sampling Interval (time unit/cycle)
t = linspace(0, 1, length(D))*Ts; % Time Vector (Delete If You Saved Your Time Vector In Your File)
plot(t, D) % Plot Your Data
Note This is quite obviously UNTESTED CODE. A version of it should work. You will have to experiment with it with your data.
See the documentation for the various functions to understand how to use them, and how they work.