MATLAB: Plot a partial sphere with a circular top like a bowl

meshpartial sphereplot

I'd like to plot a partial sphere (like a bowl) where the radius from the centroid to the edge is .1385 and the radius of the mouth of the bowl is .0525.
I have this but I couldn't figure out how to cut off the square-ish top to only show the bowl-like shape
R = .1385;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-.07:.001:.07);
Z = sqrt(R.^2 + X.^2 + Y.^2);
Z(imag(Z) ~= 0) =0;

Best Answer

I think one possible solution would be fsurf function. How about the following script?
R = 0.1385;
r1 = 0.0525;
theta = asin(r1/R);
funx = @(u,v) R*cos(u).*sin(v);
funy = @(u,v) R*sin(u).*sin(v);
funz = @(u,v) -R*cos(v);
fsurf(funx,funy,funz,[0 2*pi 0 theta])