MATLAB: Plot a graph with x-axis on top and y-axis on the left side


i wanted to plot a graph with x-axis on top and y-axis on the left side…. and the x-axis values should start from top left towards right side(that means 0 should come in top left side and 140 should come in the top right side)….and y-axis values from top left downwards(that means 0 should come in top left side and 400 should come in the bottom left side)….. when i did as below, the x-axis is coming correctly… but the y-axis values come in left side but 0 comes in bottom left side and 400 comes in the top left side…. what should i do to reverse the numbering in the y-axis)
set(gca, 'XTIck', [0:20:140])
set(gca, 'XAxisLocation', 'top')
set(gca, 'TickDir', 'out')
set(gca, 'YTIck', [0:50:400])
set(gca, 'YAxisLocation', 'left')
set(gca, 'TickDir', 'out')

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