MATLAB: Plot a “floating’ 3D surface


Hi guys,
this is my issue.
I have a 40×40 Z matrix (named MUHAT_E) that I want to plot in a grid. So till here is simple:
x=linspace(0,1,40); y=linspace(0,1,40); [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y); surf(X,Y,MUHAT_E)
The problem is that I don't like the result of this command:
I would like to get two things in this plot (if possible):
  1. Remove the blue floor not plotting the zero values of the Z matrix.
  2. Give a "floating" aspect to the matrix not connecting the edges of the red area with the zeros values.
With those two modifications I would be able to see the concavity of the function from below. Is that possible?. I attach the MUHAT_E matrix.

Best Answer

Replace the zeros with NaNs, and they will not get plotted:
X = load('MUHAT_E.txt');
X(X==0) = NaN;
creates this figure: