MATLAB: Plot a 4D data with color scale


I have a data x,y,z,D where x,y,z represent the coordinate which the D should be plotted at. How can I plot a color map on a 3 axis figure where the color of the point is dependent on the value D.
For example
a = [1 2 3; 1 2 1; 1 1 4]
D = [9.3e-07; 8.05e-06; 9.2e-08]
So at position 1,2,3, maybe the point is yellow since 9.3e-07 is inbetween 8.05e-06 and 9.2e-08. At position 1,2,1, maybe the point is red since it is the largest value and at 1,1,4, it is blue since it is the smallest value.
Thank you!

Best Answer

scatter3(x, y, z, pointsize, D)
You might also want to colormap() to choose a different color table.
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