MATLAB: Plot 3D with mesh points known

3d plotsMATLABplot

I am encountered a problem with plotting. I solved a linear system(9×9) of equations (x = inv(A)*b). I have a 5×5 grid over 0<x<4 and 0<y<4 wiht boundary conditions. I want to depict the results in 3D. The solution gives (interior points)
x = [u2,2; u3,2; u4,2; u2,3; u3,3; u4,3; u2,4; u3,4; u4,4]
In addition, for x = 0 I have the BC points, u1,4 = u1,3 = u1,2 = 80
for x = 4, u5,4 = u5,3 = u5,2 = 0
for y = 0, u2,1 = u3,1 = u4,1 = 20
for y = 4, u2,5 = u3,5 = u4,5 = 180.
How can I make a 3D plot (surface) with these?

Best Answer

x = 0:4 ;
y = 0:4 ;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y) ;
U = rand(size(X)) ; % you have to find the interior points, I have taken random
U(:,1) = 80 ;
U(1,:) = 180 ;
U(:,end) = 0 ;
U(end,:) = 20 ;