MATLAB: Plot 2D matrix on 2D graph


I have a matrix of 24 rows and 1000 columns. What I want is a 2D plot where, on the x-axis, I have the iterations and on the y-axis I have the value associated to each of the 24 row elements for the corresponding column (where column is indexed by iteration). So, that means, at each iteration I have 24 different colored plots. When I use plot(mygraph) I get a plot where I have the 24 row elements on the x-axis and on the y-axis I have the value for the row element changing vertically. However, I want to see the change in a row element over the course of the 1000 columns. I hope I made my question clear enough. Please help me in representing my data correctly, thank you!

Best Answer

Plot it against a 1000-element row vector:
plot((1:1000), YourMatrix)
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