MATLAB: Plomb command and how I convert units!!

plomb convert db dbw/hz

Hallo after applying the plomb command to a non-uniform sample and I got the PSD that I wanted! The thing I want to know is want are the units of the Power at the y axis? And how can I convert them to dB or at dBW/Hz?? Thanks!!

Best Answer

The documentation for the plomb function allows you to specify the output as 'psd', 'power' or 'normalized' (see the section on the spectrumtype (link) argument). Since the 'psd' option is the default, that will give you the result in units of db/Hz. If your original data are in Volts (amplitude) the output will be in terms of Watts (power). Choose the output option you want.
At least that is how I always understood power spectral density calculations.