MATLAB: Please tell me the meaning of following code

findImage Processing Toolboxlengthpixels

darks = find(v <.2)';
lights = find(s < .05 & v > .85)';
h([darks lights])= -1;
black = length(darks)/pixels;[x,y, z]=size(I);
white = length(lights)/pixels;
red = length(find((h >.9167 | h <=.083) & h~=-1))/pixels;
yellow=length(find(h >.083 & h<=.25))/pixels;
green=length(find(h > .25 & h<= .4167))/pixels;
cyan= length(find(h > .4167 & h<= .5833))/pixels;
blue=length(find(h > .5833 & h <= .75))/pixels;
magenta=length(find(h > .75 & h <= .9167))/pixels;

Best Answer

This code is calculating probably density function of colors(black, white, red , yellow and so on) present in image out of an image(hsv).