MATLAB: Please help with “parfor” not working!!! Don’t know what’s wrong!


I've got 4 nested for loops, with the outside loop as the parfor. I know a little bit about parfor sliced variables, so I got a different function with 2 nested loops (total of 2 loops) to work. But this version with 4 total loops doesn't work. Below is the modified code (for simplicity). I thought I'd taken care of the variable classifications and assignments, but
it's still giving me the error "Parfor cannot be run because of the way temp_up is used."
=========== CODE ===============
%Initialize Variables;
result_up = zeros( length( Z ), length( A ), length( B ), length( C ) );
temp_up = zeros( length( A ), length( B ), length( C ) );
%Start Parallel Loop
parfor Z_COUNT = 1 : length( Z )
for A_COUNT = 1 : length( A )
some_var_up = some_function1( Z_CURRENT, A( A_COUNT ) );
for B_COUNT= 1 : length( B)
for C_COUNT = 1 : length( C)
return_up = some_function2( some_var, B( B_COUNT ), C( C_COUNT );
temp_up( A, B, C) = return_up;
result_up( Z_COUNT, :, :, : ) = temp_up;
====== END CODE ======
I've replaced all of the code with Z, A, B, C, etc for simplicity. For the Love of God, someone please help me with this!

Best Answer

From the comments:
Got it fixed.
I just had to move the "temp_up" variable from outside of the parfor loop, to just inside it so that each instance of the parfor loop can create the variable.