MATLAB: Please help: Output as ‘text’ file in ‘for’ loop not moving to new line – not the standard ‘\r\n’ fix

exportfor loopnext linetext file

Please Please help..
Hi i have tried everything in my knowledge to fix this problem. I am working within 2 for loops to calculate TotalRadiation as a scaler 8760 time. As seen below i then created a matrix that shows the day, time and TotalRadiation. When I open the file, i only get the last result so therefore it is not moving to a new line with every iteration..
fileID = fopen('solardata.txt','w');
fprintf(fileID,'%3s %2s %12s\r\n','Day','Hour','Total Radiation [(W/m)^2]');
fprintf(fileID,'%3f %2.2f %12.8f\r\n',B);
Thank you in advance

Best Answer

I don't see the loop. If the loop is applied on the code you gave here, it will produce only the last line. In every loop, you are opening the file 'solardata.txt' with 'w' option which means it will discard previous info and write the new information. I think if you do something like
fileID = fopen('solardata.txt','a')
This will work.