MATLAB: Please help me fix this “Error: Function definitions are not permitted in this context. “

declare functionerrorerror: function definitions are not permitted in this context.

I keep getting the message "Error: Function definitions are not permitted in this context" whenever I try to declare a function.
The code I used was:
function T = truth_table(N) L = 2^N; T = zeros(L,N); for i=1:N temp = [zeros(L/2^i,1); ones(L/2^i,1)]; T(:,i) = repmat(temp,2^(i-1),1); end
(then this message appears)
??? function T = truth_table(N)
Error: Function definitions are not permitted in this context.
I tried copying a simple code from a tutorial that is quite similar to what I used.
function Answer = tenTimes(x)
Answer = 10 * x;
But still, this message appears:
??? function Answer = tenTimes(x) | Error: Function definitions are not permitted in this context.

Best Answer

That is how you define the function, not how you call it:
function y = truthtable(x)
%save this as truthtable.m
y = 3*x;
call it from the command line or another function with:
y = truthtable(42);