MATLAB: Please help..About probability

homeworknot attemptedprobability

We will make an experiment with dices. We will throw a couple of dices an arbitrary number of times and decide how often these adds up to 6.
The m-file should ask for a number of throws and present the result ( number of 2 dices adds to 6 / total number of throws).
The m-file should produce a plot which shows this quotient in percentage plotted versus number of throws.
Add a horizontal line to the plot where one sees the probability of this experiment. For a very large number of throws this experiment should validate the true probability.
Hint: use rand !
Thank you very much for your kind answers..

Best Answer

You can do all of your dice throws with a single call to randi like this:
randi(6, 2, n)
that should get you on your way