MATLAB: Placing figure in current GUI in a particular location

gui figure placement

I created an gui and named it as maingui i have a pushbutton, and in the call back function using uigetfile I browse the location of a video. Then in the same callbackfunction I call a function which reads the video and extract a frame from video, but I want to display the extracted frame on that GUI , how can I do that ?
function fntest_final()
MW.f = figure('Name','Project','Position', [1 1 700 1000]);
MW.pb2 = uicontrol('Style', 'Pushbutton'.....
set(MW.pb2, 'Callback', {@loadbutton,MW});
function loadbutton(varargin)
MW = varargin{3};
reqfilename = uigetfile(....)
readvideofn %%i get error in navigating to this function
function readvideofn(reqfilename)
videoObject = VideoReader(reqfilename);
rgbImage = read(videoObject, 3200);
%%now I want to display this on the GUI in a particular fixed position
%%how ?
when I call the function it says Error while evaluating UIControl Callback

Best Answer

image() accepts x and y coordinates to display at. But I suspect that what you want is to generate an axes ahead of time, retrieve the axes handle in the routine, and pass the axes handle to image() as the first parameter.
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