MATLAB: Placing annotations at specific xy coordinates

annotationscoordinate systemsplotting

Just wondering but I wanted to put annotations/text boxes at specific coordinates but when I read up on the page I saw that the values of x and y in the 'dim' vector must be between 0 and 1. Im just looking for a way to place 'X's at specific xy coordinates to signify that those points are no longer being considered for my calculations?? I figured annotations would be good way to accomplish that because I wanted to avoid matlab cconsidering a plotted X as an active point and therefore valid for my calculations. If you have any work arounds or suggestions Im all ears. Thanks for the help

Best Answer

Annotations are a pain to use unless the axes are normalized to 0:1. I see no reason why Matlab cannot allow users to specify the units in annotations which would make the tool a lot more useful.
"Im just looking for a way to place 'X's at specific xy coordinates to signify that those points are no longer being considered for my calculations"
That's much easier than anything annotation can do. Simply use the xy coordinates to plot "X"'s
hold on
If you wanted rectangles for whatever reason,
widthHeight = [.1,.1];
rectangle('Position', [x-widthHeight(1)/2, y-widthHeight(2)/2, widthHeight])