MATLAB: Placing and Editing an Image within a GUI using GUIDE.

guiguideimage processingImage Processing Toolboxmatlab gui

How do you place an image within a pre-defined border on a GUI?
I set an axes down hoping to put the image inside, but that didn't work.
I'm hoping to put three images side-by-side, the first being the original grayscale image, the second being the image as we apply certain processing techniques to it, and the third showing the iteration within each step so that we can optimize the result of each step (i.e. varying the size of structuring elements, filters, etc.)

Best Answer

You can use GUIDE to place three axes on the figure, then (option 1) use axes() to switch between them and use imshow() to display in the current axes, or else (option 2) use the 'Parent' option of imshow() to specify the axes in which to display your image. You can look at my thresholding example in my File Exchange which has 3 images: the original, the binary (thresholded) version, and the masked version. Or look at any of my demos - they all use multiple images.