MATLAB: Place matrix in array part 2


This post is building from the post found here.
Hello, I have these points:
x1 = (1,0), x2 = (0.5,1), x3 = (0.5,1.5), x4 = (0, -1), x5 = (-1,1), x6 = (0.5, -1)
y1 = y2 = y3 = 1 and y4 = y5 = y6 = -1.
How do I go about generating a 6 x 6 matrix with entries
y1y1x1'x1 y1y2x1'x2 y1y3x1'x3 y1y4x1'x4 y1y5x1'x5 y1y6x1'x6
y2y1x1'x1 y2y2x2'x2 y2y3x2'x3 y2y4x2'x4 y2y5x2'x5 y2y6x2'x6
y3y1x3'x1 y3y2x3'x2 y3y3x3'x3 y3y4x3'x4 y3y5x3'x5 y3y6x3'x6
y4y1x4'x1 y4y2x4'x2 y4y3x4'x3 y4y4x4'x4 y4y5x4'x5 y4y6x4'x6
y5y1x5'x1 y5y2x5'x2 y5y3x5'x3 y5y4x5'x4 y5y5x5'x5 y5y6x5'x6
y6y1x6'x1 y6y2x6'x2 y6y3x6'x3 y6y4x6'x4 y6y5x6'x5 y6y6x6'x6

Best Answer

Well if
y = [ones(3,1); -ones(3,1)]
% or
y = [1;
and x is taken from your previous question, then your result would be.
res = y * y' .* x * x';
This is very basic matrix multiplication. I suggest you read through some tutorials