MATLAB: Place blank entries by zeros

blank entriesMATLABzeros

I have a cell type variable with 5000 rows and 8 cells. For example:
a={182 1999 63,8 229 [] 30 [] 1
185 1999 44,5 123 19,7 51 [] []
194 1999 50,7 273 [] 44 [] 1
195 1999 53,2 [] [] [] [] []}
And I would like to substitute the blank entries in the last column only by zero so I would get:
a={182 1999 63,8 229 [] 30 [] 1
185 1999 44,5 123 19,7 51 [] 0
194 1999 50,7 273 [] 44 [] 1
195 1999 53,2 [] [] [] [] 0}
I tried something like this, but is not working:
a(cellfun(@isempty,a(:,8))) = {0};
Can someone help me? Thank you

Best Answer

a( cellfun(@isempty,a(:,8)),8 ) = {0}