MATLAB: Place array in a matrix


Hello, I have these points:
x1 = (1,0), x2 = (0.5,1), x3 = (0.5,1.5), x4 = (0, -1), x5 = (-1,1), x6 = (0.5, -1)
How do I go about generating a 6 x 6 matrix with entries
x1'x1 x1'x2 x1'x3 x1'x4 x1'x5 x1'x6
x2'x1 x2'x2 x2'x3 x2'x4 x2'x5 x2'x6
x3'x1 x3'x2 x3'x3 x3'x4 x3'x5 x3'x6
x4'x1 x4'x2 x4'x3 x4'x4 x4'x5 x4'x6
x5'x1 x5'x2 x5'x3 x5'x4 x5'x5 x5'x6
x6'x1 x6'x2 x6'x3 x6'x4 x6'x5 x6'x6

Best Answer

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding but if
x = [1.0000 0
0.5000 1.0000
0.5000 1.5000
0 -1.0000
-1.0000 1.0000
0.5000 -1.0000];
which is a 6x2 array, then wouldn't
be the desired 6x6 array?