MATLAB: Place a marker in different positions

different type of markerslinemarker

This is part of my code:
a=abs(x_offset); %Value obtained previously.
x1_rec = -100*a;
y1_rec = tand(ANGLE)*(x1_rec - x_offset) + y_offset;
x2_rec = 100*a;
y2_rec = tand(ANGLE)*(x2_rec - x_offset) + y_offset;
line([x1_rec x2_rec],[y1_rec y2_rec],'Color',[.5 .6 .5],'LineStyle','--');
The question would be how can I set a marker in the defined line at two points of the line (for x_marker1=50*a and x_maker2=-50*a)?
So far I've only managed to place the markers at the two extremes of the line and I don't need that.
Also, I don't know if this is even possible but I'd want that the two markers of the line were of different type, one a triangle and the other a plus sign.
Any suggestion is welcome.

Best Answer

After line() call hold on and then plot
hold on;
% Plot triangle at (x_marker1, y_marker1).
plot(x_marker1, y_marker1, ...
'r^', 'MarkerSize', 20, 'LineWidth', 2);
% Plot + sign at at (x_marker2, y_marker2).
plot(x_marker2, y_marker2, ...
'r+', 'MarkerSize', 20, 'LineWidth', 2);
You can change the 'r*' to get different colors and markers, for example o=circle, d=diamond, .=dot, +=plus sign, s=square, etc..