MATLAB: PID Tune: Plant cannot be linearized. Why

linearizationlinearizedpidplantSimulink Control Design

Hello everyone,
I'm using simulink for simulating a cooling system. When I try to use the tune button on the PID it opens the tuning window and say:
Plant cannot be linearized.
Why is this happening?
The PID is doing is job. I've attached files.
Thank you very much for the help,

Best Answer

The plant is linearized, but the linearization at t=0 is a gain of zero. Most likely this happens due to initial conditions in the model. You can ask the PID Tuner to linearize the model at a simulation snapshot of say t/2, when everything comes to steady state.
When you do that, the PID Tuner successfully linearizes the model and designs a PID controller.
Here are the snapshots of the steps using R2014a.