MATLAB: Picking random points…


I am exploring a closed (time) interval between 0 and 1. I have used the linspace command to generate it:
I can't seem to figure out how to randomly pick 10 (say) of these points in t so that I can plug them into a function (selected in a non-uniform way). Any thought?
Many thanks

Best Answer

You can simply generate some indices to pick value from the vector t. I have shown you uniformly distributed random indices, because you did not tell us what random distribution you want. Two solutions are shown below: without and with index repetition.
t = linspace(0,1);
N = 5; % how many points to pick
Without repetitions use randperm:
>> idx = randperm(numel(t),N)
idx =
45 75 58 51 15
>> t(idx)
ans =
0.44444 0.74747 0.57576 0.50505 0.14141
With repetitions use randi:
>> idy = randi(numel(t),1,N)
idy =
53 44 11 77 71
>> t(idy)
ans =
0.52525 0.43434 0.10101 0.76768 0.70707