MATLAB: Pick a time in app

app designerdatepickerMATLAB

Is it possible to pick a specific time of a specific day from an app?
The DatePicker component allows for selection of a specific date, but not a specific time at that date.

Best Answer

As apparently this feature has not been implemented in the app designer I decided on making an app of my own doing that exact thing.
The date and time string is stored in app.SelectedTime.Text e.g.
date_and_time = date_and_time = time_selector;
timestamp = datenum(date_and_time.SelectedTime.Text,'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'); %While time_selector is open
The app is taking up to one input, which should be a uilabel from another app. In that case the output is assigned in the .Text for that label (e.g. in a pushbutton_callback with a corresponding label field)
function SelectStartTimeButtonPushed(app, event)
waitfor(time_selector(app.StartTimeLabel)); %Label for SelectStartTimeButton is StartTimeLabel