MATLAB: Phase unwrapping in 2D

image analysisImage Processing ToolboxMATLABsignal processingSignal Processing Toolbox

I need to perform phase unwrapping in 2D using MATLAB, but the unwrap function seems to work only in 1D.
I want to have a routine similar to this one, available in a Python library:
Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Depending on what your data looks like, you may be able to simply use "unwrap" on the two different dimensions.
A = unwrap(A,[],1);
A = unwrap(A,[],2);
This is not generally true however, to unwrap data in two dimensions may need more advanced algorithms; unfortunately these are not built into MATLAB.
There are a number of user submitted functions on MATLAB central though which may help your further:
Note that MathWorks does not offer support on MATLAB Central submissions. For help or comments on functions provided on MATLAB Central please contact the authors of the functions.