MATLAB: Phase-Locked Loop, VCO, Simulink 4.0

electronicsphase locked loopsimulink blockvoltage controlled oscillator

I have the Matlab 7 and Simulink 4.0 software suite, and I need to create and simulate a Phase Locked Loop circuit. I have looked among the blocks available and I haven't found any for a PLL or for a voltage controlled oscillator.
Are there PLL and VCO blocks compatible with this earlier version of Simulink? If so, where can I obtain them?
If there aren't any, I'd like to create a subcircuit out of the available blocks to simulate the behaviour of a VCO. What elements should I use and how should I set them up?

Best Answer

Yes, there are, but you need the Communications Blockset, see for example the Phase-Lock Loop and Continuous-Time VCO or Discrete-Time VCO blocks.
This is for the current release (R2010b) however and it sounds like you are using R2007b. Looking at the Release Notes, it looks as if those blocks were already present in R2007b, but it might be worth double-checking, or upgrading to the current release if you can.