MATLAB: Pernicious error: ‘ Too many input arguments’


To whom it may concern:
I have gone through many threads on MathWorks for this topic but have not found a solution.
I have a function called 'ask_for_parameters' that calls up a script containing constants called 'constants.m'. The constants contain messages corresponding to each variable and I need them to be placed in the input call of my validation function called 'ask_for_number'.
I keep getting the same error (even though there are no inputs in the functions and I have deleted all similar files and checked for correct paths):
**Error using ask_for_number Too many input arguments.
Error in ask_for_parameters (line 12) b1 = ask_for_number(STRING_B1);
function [ b1, b2, h, h1, l, v ] = ask_for_parameters()
%fprintf('Total number of inputs = %d\n',nargin)
fprintf('Insert values for each parameter. If a parameter is unknown, leave blank and press ENTER\n\n');
b1 = ask_for_number(STRING_B1);
b2 = ask_for_number(STRING_B2);
h = ask_for_number(STRING_H);
h1 = ask_for_number(STRING_H1);
l = ask_for_number(STRING_L);
v = ask_for_number(STRING_V);
function valid_number = ask_for_number ()
% fprintf('nb_inputs = %d\n',nargin)
valid_number = -1;
while valid_number <= 0;
txt_input = input('Enter a number\n', 's');
valid_number = str2double(txt_input);
if valid_number > 0;
if isnan(valid_number) || isempty(txt_input);
valid_number = [];
STRING_B1 = 'Enter value for base 1:';
STRING_B2 = 'Enter value for base 2:';
STRING_H1 = 'Enter value for partial height:';
STRING_H = 'Enter value for total height:';
STRING_L = 'Enter value for length:';
STRING_V = 'Enter value for volume:';
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

You have defined the function as:
function valid_number = ask_for_number ()
Note that there are NO input arguments. You explicitly told MATLAB NOT to expect ANY arguments to be passed in.
Then you call it with an input argument. For example:
b1 = ask_for_number(STRING_B1);
What do you expect to see, but an error that tells you "Too many input arguments"?
**Error using ask_for_number Too many input arguments.
Error in ask_for_parameters (line 12) b1 = ask_for_number(STRING_B1);
Computers are very simple things. They do what you tell them to do. I do have a hard time understanding how this would be pernicious. Seems like you are the one who made the error, and MATLAB told you very clearly what it did not like and exactly where was the problem.