MATLAB: Pendulum code error. How to resolve unrecognized function or variable when it is clearly stated


I have a code written out to simulate a pendulum, but there seems to be an error after the loop, and I can't seem to resolve it on my own. I would appreciate any advice on how to solve this issue. My professor can't seem to solve this issue either, and as a result, has told me that I must solve it without further assistance. I have everything written out with comment lines to help the user. I have also included the error message I get. Thanks!
Unrecognized function or variable 'period'.
Error in pendul (line 59)
AvePeriod = mean(period);
%pendul - Program to compute the motion of a simple pendulum
%using either the Euler or Verlet methods
clear all; help pendul %Clear the memory and print header
% Select the numerical method to use: Euler or Verlet
NumericalMethod = menu('Choose a numerical method:','Euler','Verlet');
%Set initial position and velocity of pendulum
theta0 = input('Enter initial angle (in degrees): ');
theta = theta0*pi/180; %Convert angle to radians
omega = 0; %Set the initial velocity
%Set the physical constants and other variables
g_over_L = 1; %The constant g/L
time = 0; %Initial time
irev = 0; %Used to count the number of reversals
tau = input('Enter time step: ');
%Take one backward step to start Verlet
accel = -g_over_L*sin(theta); %Gravitational Acceleration

theta_old = theta - omega*tau + 0.5*tau^2*accel;
%Loop over desired number of steps with given time step and numerical method
nstep = input('Enter number of time steps: ');
for istep=1:nstep
%Record angle and time for plotting
t_plot(istep) = time;
th_plot(istep) = theta*180/pi; %Convert angle to degrees
time = time + tau;
%Compute new position and velocity using Euler or Verlet method
accel = -g_over_L*sin(theta); %Gravitational Acceleration
if(NumericalMethod == 1)
theta_old = theta; %Save Previous Angle
theta = theta + tau*omega; %Euler Method
omega = omega + tau*accel;
theta_new = 2*theta - theta_old + tau^2*accel;
theta_old = theta; %Verlet Method
theta = theta_new;
%Test if the pendulum has passed through theta = 0;
% if yes, use time to estimate period
if( theta*theta_old < 0) %Test position for sign change
fprintf('Turning point at time t= %f \n',time);
if(irev == 0) %If this is the first change, just record the time
time_old = time;
period(irev) = 2*(time - time_old);
time_old = time;
irev = irev + 1; %Increment the number of reversals
%Estimate period of oscillations, including error bar
AvePeriod = mean(period);
ErrorBar = std(period)/sqrt(irev);
fprintf('Average period = %g +/- %g\n', AvePeriod,ErrorBar);
%Graph the oscillations as theta versus time
clf; figure(gcf); %Clear and forward figure window
plot(t_plot,th_plot, '+');
xlabel('Time'); ylabel('\theta (degrees)');

Best Answer

for istep=1:nstep
if nstep is less than 1 then the loop will not be executed at all and period will not be assigned to.
If nstep is at least 1 then we need to investigate whether we can be certain that period is assigned to.
if( theta*theta_old < 0)
If we have not executed enough steps for the angle to have crossed zero then period would not have been assigned to.
if(irev == 0)
The first time we cross 0, we do not assign to period.
Putting these together: period will not be assigned to until you have executed enough steps to have crossed zero twice.
if( theta*theta_old < 0)
No crossing will be detected if theta or theta_old are exactly 0 because then their multiple would be exactly 0 rather than less than 0.
You need to be careful about this case so that you do not accidentally detect the same crossing twice.