MATLAB: Pedestrian Detection using HOG Features

bounding boxclassificationdescriptordetectionfeatureshistogram of oriented gradientshogpedestriansvm

Goal: Implement pedestrian detection using HOG and libsvm. I am able to extract HOG features for each image, and train/test libsvm classifier successfully (I manually verified predictions that pedestrians were/were not present).
I need guidance on the following… In the image, I want to detect exactly where the pedestrian is, and create a bounding box around the pedestrian.
My guess is that I do a sliding window on the image, extract the HOG features from the window, test those features within libsvm, and draw a rectangle around the window if it comes back positive.
Am I on the right track? Any code hints or snippets would be helpful.

Best Answer

See sections 16, 18, and 22 for articles by those who have done it before:
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