MATLAB: Peak Value from bodemag plot

bodebodemagbodemag plotbodeplot

I am trying to calculate the peak value of the bodemag plot. Attached is the code I am trying to use
[gpeak,fpeak] = getPeakGain(SS_1)
gpeak_dB = 20*log10(gpeak);
However that doesn't seem to work for bodemag plots, only for bode plots because it isn't giving me the correct peak for the plot attached.
How do I calculate the peak of a bodemag plot?

Best Answer

Try this:
F = openfig('untitled.fig');
getF = get(F);
Lines = findobj(F, 'Type','Line');
for k = 1:numel(Lines)
X{k} = Lines(k).XData;
Y{k} = Lines(k).YData;
[Ymax,Idx] = max(Y{k});
FM{k,:} = [X{k}(Idx) Ymax Idx];
MagFreq = array2table(cell2mat(FM), 'VariableNames',{'Frequency','Magnitude','Index'})
MagFreq =
Frequency Magnitude Index
_________ ___________ _____
NaN NaN 1
NaN NaN 1
1e-20 1.2722e-14 1
1e-20 0 1
1e-20 1.2722e-14 1
1e-20 2.5444e-14 1
1e-20 0 1
1e-20 1.7358e-14 1
1.6051 0.52101 35
1e-20 -2.5073e-14 1
1.3159 0.062431 32
1e-20 -2.5073e-14 1
It is not difficult to extract the values, however it is definitely not straightforward.