MATLAB: PDE Toolbox, Parabolic Heat Equation (2-D): How to assign a start temperature (T=1000 K) to the whole rectangular area

parabolic heat equation (2-d)pde toolboxstart temperature

The rectangular area depicts a thin strip with the temperature T = 1000 K. The bottom line of the rectangle transfers heat by convection. The other lines fullfill the Neumann condition with the coefficients g,q = 0. There's no heat source within the rectangle. I would be very happy for any help.
Cheers Arne

Best Answer

I assume you are trying to solve a transient heat transfer problem using the pdetool GUI and have set Option/Application to Heat Transfer and PDE/PDE Specification to Parabolic?
Then, you can set the initial temperature to 1000 by entering that value in the U(t0) box on the form Solve/Parameters. You will probably also want to change the Time entry on this form to specify the time interval of the transient analysis and how often you want to save solutions.
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