MATLAB: PCA on square matrix

covcovariance-matrixpcapcacovprincipal component analysis

Let's see an example:
>>x = rand(4)
x =
0.8147 0.6324 0.9575 0.9572
0.9058 0.0975 0.9649 0.4854
0.1270 0.2785 0.1576 0.8003
0.9134 0.5469 0.9706 0.1419
coeff1 =
0.6374 0.1376 -0.1798
0.1070 0.4092 0.9047
0.6684 0.2762 -0.1656
-0.3682 0.8587 -0.3490
>>coeff2 = pcacov(cov(x))
coeff2 =
0.6374 0.1376 -0.1798 0.7365
0.1070 0.4092 0.9047 0.0518
0.6684 0.2762 -0.1656 -0.6705
-0.3682 0.8587 -0.3490 0.0729
From my understanding, coeff1 and coeff2 should be the same. What is wrong here?

Best Answer

If you use the eig algorithm and set economy to false, outputs will be equal.