MATLAB: Passing workspace variable to matlab App Designer


I've been trying to pass a workspace variable (say a variable, y) into matlab app designer but am not observing any results. I tend to get the error:
'error using get, not enough input arguments'.
I call the app within the scrips with and without passing y into the app.
I have tried:
1) Passing y into the app by using the app input arguments function.
2) Property function in app designer.
All i am trying to do is to invoke variable y into the app designer so that it can be manipulated by a sliding function which generates a new output variable which is then plotted against another work space variable, (x).
I have looked at the demo examples but they all the variables exist within the app.

Best Answer

This thread gives a workaround for this if you are using a version of Matlab older than R2017b. Apparently the ability to pass arguments to an App Designer app is now supported in R2017b although I haven't tried myself as I still just use GUIDE or programmatic UIs until App Designer is developed further.