MATLAB: Passing variables between GUI’s and invalid object or handle

app designersetappdata

Hi, I am passing variables to 2 seperate GUI's. The code is as follows
calling_MpPC_app = MpPC_table; % sending txt3 and N_students to MpPC_table app
app.Number_of_projs_floated_coded = getappdata(0,'Number_of_projs_floated_coded'); % getting output from MpPC_table app
app.Max_proj_allocations = getappdata(0,'Max_proj_allocations');
app.original_proj_list = app.txt3;
setappdata(0,"Max_proj_checker",[app.Number_of_projs_floated_coded(:,1) app.Max_proj_allocations]);
callingapp = x_gui; % Sending Max_proj_checker and txt3 to x_gui app
app.Roll_nos_GUI = getappdata(0,'Roll_nos_GUI'); % getting output from x_gui
app.Projnames_GUI = getappdata(0,'Projnames_GUI');
But when I get the output from x_gui app (last two lines). I get an error invalid object or handle. I think this is due to overwriting done by the previous setappdata command. And storing them in a root directory is as bad as declaring a global variable.
I am using App Designer to create this. But I didn't find any figure handle to specify in the setappdata command. Like In the documentation it says
setappdata(f,"Variable name")
But I don't find any line specifying this. I tried putting x_gui instead, But the same error pops and an extra x_gui app window opens.
Any idea on how to do it.
PS: A workaround can be saving them into base and calling them again

Best Answer

The setappdata function also accepts uifigure handles, so you need to use that as input:
