MATLAB: Passing handles through guidata

gui guide handles guidata callback

Hello all,
I am having an issue passing data through callbacks in my interface. What is happening is when I press a button on my interface, it changes two handle subvariables. What we see is:
handles.stopFlag = 1;
handles.running = 0;
guidata(hObject, handles);
Above is an excerpt from the end of the my button callback function. Usually this button is pressed when a while loop is running in another function. When the function returns, it is always returning after a drawnow function followed by a guidata(hObject,handles) function as seen below.
So my issue is that after the button is pressed and in the button callback, the variables in the handle structure are correctly valued: handles.stopFlag = 1 and handles.running = 0, but when I enter back into the while loop, these value are not see by the program because the guidata(hObject,handles) is overwriting this change before it can take effect.
Now I am not quite sure what to do here because I don't have much experience with GUIs or GUIDE but I have been trying to exclude the guidata function or only use update using certain parts of the handles structure.
Does anyone have any idea for me to try out? All are appreciated! Thanks!

Best Answer

Instead of
handles = guidata(hObject);
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