MATLAB: Passing cell array to function

cell arrays

I am trying to pass a cell array of images to a function which converts each image to grayscale and single precision and then does some manipulation on them:
function [a, b, c]= createGMM(cell_array)
for k=1:length(cell_array)
%convert to grayscale
%convert to single
When I run this code- [m, c, p]= createGMM(images) with the 'images' cell array (which is in my workspace) I get the error
Undefined function 'createGMM' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Thanks!

Best Answer

Have you saved the function in a folder that is on the MATLAB path?
MATLAB needs to know how to find the function.
>>addpath 'c:\path_to_folder'
to add the folder where you have save createGMM to the path.