MATLAB: Passing cell array as input argument to function

cell arrays

I'm trying to create a function that manipulates matrices which are elements of a cell array. I'm passing the cell array (temp_h) as an input argument, and getting an error message. What am I doing wrong? In the most stripped down form my code is:
function outds = mergeds_bbg(indset, varargin)
indset{1, 1}(end, :)
>> yld_hist = mergeds_bbg(temp_h); Undefined function 'mergeds_bbg' for input arguments of type 'cell'.

Best Answer

The most common reason for getting the error "Undefined function xxxx for input arguments of type yyyy" is because the function is not on matlab path.
You can check if your function is on the path with:
which mergeds_bbg
Add its location to matlab's path or change your current folder to its folder.