MATLAB: Parvector not able to pass

function callingode45

I have created this simple functon file to call other functions.
function [conc ] = getconc( expConditions,parVector )
c(1) = expConditions(1);
c(2) = expConditions(2);
c(3) = expConditions(3);
[t cout1] = ode45('model1',[0:1:9],expConditions);
[t cout2] = ode45('model2',[0:1:9],expConditions);
[t cout3] = ode45('model3',[0:1:9],expConditions);
[t cout4] = ode45('model4',[0:1:9],expConditions);
[t cout5] = ode45('model5',[0:1:9],expConditions);
[t cout6] = ode45('model6',[0:1:9],expConditions);
[t cout7] = ode45('model7',[0:1:9],expConditions);
[t cout8] = ode45('model8',[0:1:9],expConditions);
[t cout9] = ode45('model9n',[0:1:9],expConditions);
[t cout10] = ode45('model10',[0:1:9],expConditions);
conc=[cout1(:,1) cout2(:,2) cout3(:,1) cout4(:,2) cout5(:,1) cout6(:,2) cout7(:,1) cout8(:,2) cout9(:,1) cout10(:,2)];
end I give inputs for expConditions and parVector as [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] and [5 5 50]. I am getting the following error :
Attempted to access parVector(1); index out of bounds because numel(parVector)=0.
The parVector input is required in my function files which i am calling for ode45solver. example for ne model function file is as follows
function [fdot] = model1(t,c,parVector )
I am calling function as follows:
>> parVector=[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1];
>> expConditions=[5 5 50];
>> getconc(parVector,expConditions);

Best Answer

It is easiest to use the ‘anonymous function’ construction to pass ‘parVector’ to your ODE functions.
For example in ‘getconc’:
[t cout1] = ode45(@(t,c) model1(t,c,parVector ),[0:1:9],expConditions);
See if that does what you want. If it does, change your other ode45 calls to the same syntax.