MATLAB: Partial differentiation-Multiple syms derivative x and y

partial differentiation

I have a eq. like this y=cosh(L*x)*cos(L*y) (1)
What is the code that I must do if I want to have a result like this: y'=L*x'*sinh(L*x)*cos(L*y)-L*y'*sin(L*y)*cosh(L*x) (2)
I just need a eq.2. I don't know how to call the caculation from 1-2. Sorry about it. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

syms t, L
x = sym('x(t)'); % x(t)
y = sym('y(t)'); % y(t)
E1 = diff(y);
E2 = cosh(L*x)*cos(L*y);
E3 = diff(E2,t);
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