MATLAB: Partial Derivative and its roots

partial derivativeSymbolic Math Toolboxsyms

Dear Matlab Gurus
I want to calculate the symbolic partial derivative of a function w.r.t to 'a' and 'b'. The function is
Further more I also want to simplify and calculate the roots of both variable 'a' and 'b'. Actually I want to find the optimal point expression for both 'a' and 'b'. My code is
syms a
syms b
syms n
syms p
syms h
syms g
syms d
syms e
syms r
syms s
however, the above code generates the following errors
Error using inlineeval (line 15)
Error in inline expression ==> (n*a*b*(1-b)*p*h^2*g^2)/(n*a*b*g^2*d*r^2+(1-a)*(1-b)*d*e*s^2)
Undefined function or variable 'n'.
Error in inline/subsref (line 24)
INLINE_OUT_ = inlineeval(INLINE_INPUTS_, INLINE_OBJ_.inputExpr, INLINE_OBJ_.expr);
Error in test (line 12)
Any kind of help is highly appreciated.
P.S: I have the symbolic math toolbox installed.

Best Answer

Hi Ali,
instead of the inline function you should use Anonymus Functions because inline will be removed in future releases.
syms a b n p h g d e r s
f=@(n,a,b,p,h,g,d,r,e,s) (n*a*b*(1-b)*p*h^2*g^2)/(n*a*b*g^2*d*r^2+(1-a)*(1-b)*d*e*s^2);
Best regards,