MATLAB: Part of the program wont work and i just cant figure it out why.

if statement

The question is "The program asks for an input of a score(0-100). If the score is greater than or equal to 60, display “Congratulations! You passed!” Otherwise, display “Sorry, you failed.” "
prompt='score greater than 60 and less than 60'
if x>=60
if x<60
if x<60
disp('Sorry, you failed.')
if x>=60
disp('Congratulations! You passed!')
when i run the program i get the "Congratulations! You passed!" for anything above 60 but when i run the program for # less 60 nothing happens. i just get the inputted number back without the disp.

Best Answer

Look more carefully at your code. You have
if x>=60
statements between that and the next matching else or elseif or end statement are only executed if x is greater than or equal to 60
if x<60
if x<60
disp('Sorry, you failed.')
including those ones. You do not reach those statements unles x>=60 and if x>=60 then x<60 cannot possibly be true.
if rand*100 > 60
disp('Hip Hip Ho!')
disp('Hop Hep Hey!')
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