MATLAB: Parsing a cell array

cellcell arraysparse

Hi there,
I have a 24×4 cell called "Data" where each cell contains an array of 2×2000 double. I would like to parse the cell in the following way:
– The 1×2000 double in cell in Data{1,1}(1,:), Data{1,2}(1,:), Data{1,3}(1,:), and Data{1,4}(1,:) are all parsed into its in own "temp" array so that "temp(:,:)" contains all 4 1×2000 doubles from those 4 cells. The plan is to use a loop so that I can parse the entire 24×4 cell in this way.
Any help would be appreciated.. Thank you!

Best Answer

Since any element of your 24x4 cell is a 2x2000 array of doubles, then you could just use an inner loop to populate the temp array with the first row of each of those 2x2000 arrays. Something like
% pre-allocate memory to temp
temp = zeros(4,2000);
% iterate over each of the 24 rows
for u=1:size(Data,1)
% iterate over each of the 4 columns
for v=1:size(Data,2)
temp(v,:) = Data{u,v}(1,:);
% do stuff with temp
The above should allow you to parse all the necessary data into the temp array so that you can do some further processing. If you want to save temp from each iteration, then you could just copy it to a three-dimensional matrix or to another cell array at each iteration of u.