MATLAB: Parse error in function


I am supposed to create a function that takes any two radii and plugs them into the hollow sphere function/formula. But the function has to know which one is larger and assign the larger value to the outer radius. I am unsure how to do this. I thought I had solved it but I am getting a parse error on the last equals sign of the if statement. Here is what I have so far:
function [v] = hollow_sphere(outer_rad, inner_rad)
v = (4*pi/3)*(outer_rad^3 - inner_rad^3);
if inner_rad > outer_rad
outer_rad = inner_rad && inner_rad = outer_rad;

Best Answer

Separate those two statements. E.g., this
outer_rad = inner_rad && inner_rad = outer_rad;
should be this
temp = outer_rad;
outer_rad = inner_rad
inner_rad = temp;
But you should do this prior to your calculation of v, otherwise it will have no effect.