MATLAB: Parrot Minidrone – stable flight

parrot competitionparrot minidronesimulink support package parrot

I am using the yaw pitch roll configuration and I want to achieve stable flight. So I want to use the optical flow values in the x and y direction to achieve this as my drone keeps drifting. I think it works when i put feedback loops in for the roll direction. But when i use pitch, the drone in the simulation just flips out? What am i doing wrong or how else can keep my drone aligned to the track or the arena around it?

Best Answer

Hi Keith,
It’s a nice idea to use the optical flow values for a good, controlled flight. Here’s a couple of things you can try:
  1. Tuning the PID controller of the pitch with different coefficients.
  2. Process the values x and y of optical flow and provide feedback to the roll axis alone during position control. The pitch can be controlled during orientation control.
For a better understanding of the position and orientation control refer this: