MATLAB: Parpool works on 2014b but not on 2015a

2015aerrornew installationparallel computingparforparpoolspmd job test

The error message when I try to validate my local profile on 2015a is shown below.
I have both 2014b and 2015a installed right now and I re installed 2015 already. I only have malware bytes and the firewall settings are fine.
I would appreciate a quick answer as I am quite annoyed that in hopes of expecting less bugs from the update I encountered a new one, and I won't make space on my hard drive for both for very long.
Thanks a lot in advance, Nat

Best Answer

I have the same issue. I've tested 2015a on 2 different computers and both faulted with the same error as above. There were no issues with a 2014b install on one of the computers. Submitted query to MathWorks and will post any info when I get it.
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