MATLAB: Parfor problems about loopVar = initVal:endVal


I got an error in my codes with line "parfor m=1:s", which is very weird. I don't know what happens. Can anyone give me some suggestions? Thank you!
Error using DynSys (line 11)
Unable to perform assignment because the indices on the left side are not compatible with the size of
the right side.
Error in eGram (line 37)
parfor m=1:s
Error in testEGram (line 188)
EmGramian = eGram(@DynSys,[50; numel(index)],X0,0) ;
My function is :
function xhat = eGram(Func,ParaVector,X0,flag)
% xhat = obsv_gram_cov_unscaled(OdeFcn,Tspan,ParaVector,OuptputIndex,uss,xss)
% Func: the ode function of the system
% Tspan: [start time, ending time, sampleLength]
% ParaVector: StateNumber n, OutputNumber k,
% Cm: CmValue, and s = size(Cm,1)
% OutputIndex: the indices of outputs corresponding to states
% uss: the value of input at steady state
% xss: steady state
% Orientation Number r
% flag == 0, use initial state as bench (static); ~=0, use Y0 as bench (dynamically)
Tol = 1E-9;
% gramian parameters
n = ParaVector(1);
k = ParaVector(2);
% initialization for T for observability
T(:,:,1) = eye(n,n);
Cm = logspace(log10(0.01),log10(1),5) .';
e = eye(n,n);
xhat = zeros(n,n);
s = length(Cm);
r = size(T,3);
Ts = 0.1;
nu = 600;
[~,~,Y0] = Func(X0);
for l=1:r
parfor m=1:s % ERROR THROWS HERE!!!!!
chsi = zeros(n,n);
z = zeros(n,nu*k);
for i=1:n
% apply perturbed initial condition
initvalue = X0 + Cm(m)*T(:,:,l)*e(:,i);
[t,X,Y] = Func(initvalue);
if flag==0
for iii = 1:k
z(i,nu*(iii-1)+1:nu*iii) = (Y(:,iii) - Y(1,iii))';
for iii = 1:k
z(i,nu*(iii-1)+1:nu*iii) = (Y(:,iii) - Y0(:,iii))';
chsi = z*z';
xhat = xhat + 1/(r*s*Cm(m)^2)*Ts*T(:,:,l)*chsi*T(:,:,l)';

Best Answer

I found that "Error using DynSys (line 11)" is caused by global variables. For parallel computation, I cannot use global variables.