MATLAB: Parfor for double iteration?


Dear, I want to make a matrix G(m, n) as follows:
gamma = sqrt(sqrt(k/(E*I))); % gamma
G = zeros(length(x),length(qusi));
parfor n1 = 1:length(x)
for n2 = 1:length(qusi)
qua = gamma*abs(qusi(n2)-x(n1))/sqrt(2);
G(n1,n2) = (gamma/(2*k))*exp(-qua)*sin(qua + pi/4); % G(x,qusi)
However, the error come up as follows:
Error using testsquare_test (line 53)
Error: The variable G in a parfor cannot be classified.
See Parallel for Loops in MATLAB, "Overview".
I can't understand it. How should I do?
Could you please help me?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, PARFOR doesn't understand how you're accessing 'G' even though you are using it in an order-independent way. What you need to do is build up a temporary row, and then assign it to the row of 'G' all in one go:
parfor n1 = 1:length(x)
tempRow = zeros(1, length(qusi));
for n2 = 1:length(qusi)
qua = gamma*abs(qusi(n2)-x(n1))/sqrt(2);
tempRow(n2) = (gamma/(2*k))*exp(-qua)*sin(qua + pi/4);
G(n1, :) = tempRow;
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