MATLAB: Parfor Closed loop variable

closed loopparfor

Hi, Is it possible to have a closed loop model design which uses the initial value of inputs and later on the inputs are computed based on the output for further iterations, that is, the output is used again as the input for the next computation steps??
If yes, 1). Can it be implemented using parfor because my idea involves huge number of iterations consuming lot of time which I don't want to spend. 2). I tried using simin and simout for the input and output respectively. The model works in for loop but not in parfor:(. Can you suggest some other source and sink blocks for this implementation.
Thanks in Advance 🙂

Best Answer

You can use the parfor to parallelize computation in individual iterations, possibly reducing time per iteration. However, you cannot parallelize across iterations. The iterations lack the parallel independence assumed by PARFOR.