MATLAB: Parfor and cell array

cell arraysparfor

Suppose I have the following code
p = cell(1,3);
w = zeros(5,3);
p{1} = X; 2 by 2 matrix
p{2} = Y; 2 by 2 matrix
p{3} = Z; 2 by 2 matrix
parfor k=1:3
for i=1:5
w(i,k) = somefunction(variable1, variable2,p{k})
If I remove the parfor, the code runs fine, but if I use the parfor I get the error: Output argument "XXXX" from some other function that is used in "somefunction" was not assigned during call.
Sorry for being very schematic but the actual code is very long has and uses numerous functions.

Best Answer

It works for me:
p = cell(1,3);
w = zeros(5,3);
p{1} = rand(2);
p{2} = rand(2);
p{3} = rand(2);
myFun = @(x,y,z) x + y + sum(z(:));
variable1 = 1;
variable2 = 2;
parfor k=1:3
for i=1:5
w(i,k) = myFun(variable1, variable2,p{k})
I'm afraid you'll have to provide more details about variable1, variable2 and somefunction()