MATLAB: Parameters to consider in non linear curve fitting

constrained curve fittingCurve Fitting Toolboxexperimental data fittinglsqcurvefitnon linear curve fitting

I have a complex (sum and multiplication of several elementary functions) function to fit with experimental data, but I could not reach the desired fit, the program does his work but the parameters are far from what they should be, I noticed that if I change the lb or ub it changes the results also if I change Beta0 it also affects the results. I need help and advise on the factors that I should consider to have the best fit
note: the experimental data are about 6000 points, I have around 15 parameters to find
thanks in advance

Best Answer

Without knowing more, I suggest you choose Beta0 to be close to what you expect the parameters to be as you can. I also suggest not restricting the parameters with lb and ub unless you know that, for instance, they must be positive or if you already know they should not exceed a specific value.
Fitting so many parameters will give any solver problems. Consider reducing them if you can.
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